My babies started attending parties as early as their 1st month. It is a challenge for me to bring them all to parties specially without Xave. I had to bring 3 yayas and a driver! Preparing them and their things is like a 'total production' for me. Feels like bringing the entire house for them.
Their 1st party was in Makati Shangri-la Hotel for Annika's christening. It was exhausting but what I loved most was that our function room was spacious and just a few walks away from the rest room. Since the venue was in a hotel, (read: very clean rest rooms) I don't have to worry everytime babies need to go for nappy change.
Triplets with Lizette, Karen and Stewart
with my 2 yayas, Venus and Erika
2nd party was in Mc Donald's. Since the party area was a bit small, had a hard time lugging their baby bags. I hate their washrooms, not mother/baby friendly. They do not have changing tables for babies, too so I had to change Sebastian on their dining tables *haha*. Good thing I always bring my changing pad whenever I go out with my babies but still, they have to consider putting changing tables on their rest rooms...
With Khryssy, Erik, Amae and Eon
Recent party they attended was the 1st birthday of Enzo in a big function room somewhere in Pioneer. The place was spacious, has clean restrooms and spaces near the sinks where you can place the baby for nappy change.
Babies, please don't grow up so fast...
Well, now I'm starting to appreciate establishments with changing tables.
My babies are too young to attend parties, I don't want them to be stressed with noise and too many people so I choose what parties they should attend. Well, my top 3 criteria (in random order): spacious and well-ventilated area, clean restrooms w/ changing table or a little space where I can do nappy change and tolerable music (noise) for babies.
So there you go...'till next time.

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